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How to Cook Perfect Speculoos

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Speculoos. Speculoos are delicious and traditional St. Nicholas cookies from Belgium, with a distinct spiced flavor which can now be enjoyed all year. Speculoos Cookies & Homemade Cookie Butter.

Speculoos Speculoos, as they're called in Belgium, are spiced gingerbread shortcrust cookies that are traditionally made and eaten on St. Nicholas Day and throughout the Christmas holiday season. Speculoos — Spéculoos Spéculoos de différentes formes Le spéculoos (néerlandais: speculaas, flamand: speculoos, allemand: spekulatius). You can cook Speculoos using 8 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Speculoos

  1. It's 350 g of farine.
  2. You need 150 g of sucre cassonade.
  3. You need 250 g of beurre mou.
  4. Prepare 3 g of cannelle.
  5. It's 3 g of d epice spécial pain d epice ou 4 epices.
  6. You need 5 g of levure.
  7. It's 5 g of sel.
  8. You need 50 g of compote.

When our friends came over for dinner on Saturday night, I felt like serving a As for the cookies, the idea of making speculoos had been in the back of my mind for quite a while, ever. Speculoos Cookies Earn Frequent Flyer Miles. Because speculoos would be hard for Americans to pronounce (and because the biscuits went so well with coffee) the cookies were rebranded as Biscoff. Speculoos is a kind of crunchy cookie or a flat biscuit popular in Belgium, France, and Speculoos is commonly called as such in France, but is known as "speculaas" in Netherlands and "speculatius" in.

Speculoos instructions

  1. Verser la cassonade, la cannelle et le mélange d'épices dans un grand bol. Ajouter le beurre bien mou et la compote. Mélanger le tout jusqu'à obtention d'une pâte homogène..
  2. Ajouter petit à petit la farine Bien mélanger pendant l'ajout de la farine. Ajouter le sel. Ajouter la levure chimique, bien mélanger. Rajouter un peu d eau si la pate est trop seche jusqu a avoir une pâte homogène.
  3. Laisser la pâte de speculoos reposer 2 h au réfrigérateur..
  4. Préchauffer le four à 180 °C (th. 6)..
  5. Étaler la pâte entre 2 feuilles de cuisson puis l'étaler au rouleau à pâtisserie jusqu'à obtenir une pate de 3 à 4 mm d'épaisseur..
  6. Couper la pâte de speculoos en morceaux rectangulaires de 3 à 4 cm de long. Ici, laissez libre court à votre imagination !.
  7. Disposer les pièces sur une plaque allant au four, beurrée ou recouverte d'une feuille de cuisson. Laisser cuire pendant 10 min entre 180 et 200 °C..
  8. Laisser refroidir les speculoos jusqu'à température ambiante. C est prêt !!😊.

Speculoos is the cookie; cookie butter can be made from other cookies besides speculoos. Trader Joe's Speculoos Cookie Butter that has made the spread popular. (Photo: StarsApart/flickr). Ships from and sold by MLAI SUPPLY. Search for habitable Planets EClipsing ULtra-cOOl Stars. Want to bake your own Biscoff cookies?